
Hi! Welcome to my blog! I am Maureen and I LOVE life. In 2014, after having my 2nd baby, I was out of shape, over-weight, and looking to change my life. I wanted to find a way to fuel my body, follow God, and be a good steward to this beautiful earth. I began incorporating a Whole Food, Plant-based diet in August of 2015. We eat lots of plant based meals, and when we do eat meat, we strive to find humanely raised, organic meat sources. Many family members and friends have asked me to share my recipes and tips for feeding my family through whole, nourishing plant foods.

In 2015 I became a Health and Wellness Coach because I am passionate about helping others live healthy, happy lives. I hope this helps you too! I share my experiences with cooking, gardening, mothering, meditation and exercise. I love to hear from my readers-- please leave a comment with any questions you have. You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook.

If you are interested in learning more about joining one of my challenge groups, please fill out the form below to receive more information: 

Are you interested in joining my team and becoming a Health and Fitness Coach yourself? I personally mentor 5 women every month as new coaches who have joined my team. I teach them how to build a successful business at home.
If you….
  • are READY to be in the BEST SHAPE of your life...
  • are looking for a positive & UPLIFTING community to be a part of...
  • WANT to create independence & freedom for you & your family.
  • want to give back and help others
  • are interested in living life by DESIGN: Be your own boss - work when you want, where you want, & doing what you LOVE!
  • are COACHABLE and willing to spend a year making short-term sacrifices in order to spend the rest of your life enjoying long-term success!
  • are passionate about health and fitness and love helping others feel good about themselves and find health and happiness
Please fill out the form below if you are interested in joining my team: